Used by the gods and abused by a species of monsters born and bred evil in their self interests

So many abuses done to me in life – too many. Because the monsters who call themselves the human race have still never recognised who to protect and how is this ever going to change if you cannot recognise the abuses, harms and brutalities too great to do to anyone in life? It is this critical question about who you want to protect that the monsters who call themselves the human race have never wanted to protect? The existence of psychiatry hasn’t changed a damn thing.

There’s something so much worse than death. The proof of the truth about human nature made by so many.

Give me safety from monsters who are too evil to recognise how evil it is what they care about doing to me in life. Give me safety from monsters who believe that they care by accepting any amount of suffering and brutalities. Give me safety from all who are all evil and only evil so they see mental illness because they have no good in them and no heart in all of the evil in all of them so they need doctors to misrepresent suicidality as the meaningless symptom of brain defects to make them care for the first time in history.

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